Networking Resources

Find information about Michigan Medicine and Medical School events, people, and publications.

Michigan Experts

This searchable tool captures research profiles and publishing activity of U-M faculty in multiple scientific disciplines. You can also view recent grants and recent publications at U-M. 

Michigan Medicine Micro-Mentoring Program

The goal of the Micro-Mentoring program is to increase one's professional networks and provide a platform to foster the sharing of internal expertise and experiences.

Michigan Medicine Calendar for Faculty, Staff, and Students

Find events, workshops, conferences, and other activities.

Michigan Medicine Departments & Programs

A list of links to websites for departments and other units, where you can find news and faculty profiles.

U-M Medical School Research News

Sign up to receive a monthly email newsletter about research at UMMS.

Research Faculty & Research Staff Listservs

Participate in discussions about research and research administration with other Medical School faculty.